DiscoverHair Stories With ChantelADHD isn’t a limitation it is an opportunity to see the world differently | Kyrus Keenan Westcott
ADHD isn’t a limitation it is an opportunity to see the world differently | Kyrus Keenan Westcott

ADHD isn’t a limitation it is an opportunity to see the world differently | Kyrus Keenan Westcott

Update: 2023-07-27


Known on social media as Ky, and the Vibe With Ky, Kyrus is a lighthouse not only in the world of marketing but also in the conversations around mental health. 

Through a lens of grief and pain; 2018 was full of events in Kyrus’s life that would set him on a new path of physical and mental recovery. He decided he wanted to be here, and began to think about what that would entail to help himself through the darkness and how he could potentially help others.  His personal experience with ADHD, severe depression, and generalized anxiety disorder has shaped his perspective and fueled his passion for mental health advocacy. As an actor and writer, Ky has always had a penchant for storytelling. With this narrative gift, he illuminates his own mental health journey, casting it as an inviting and approachable topic.

One of my favorite quotes from Kyrus is “It’s not about fitting into the world, it’s about making the world fit you.”

Kyrus's on IG @thevibewithky, and his website. #thevibewithky #neurospicy

Kyrus mentions: Somethings Company founded by Patrick Gilligan. A team of dedicated people helping the future of teens live better lives. He shares some Digital Marketing tips with us in this episode and serves as Executive Director of Paid Media for 1SEO Digital Agency.

Chantel mentions:

Psychology Today online

Finds this article

Could be very helpful for those looking for an online source that specializes in trauma and mental health disorders that may be related to trauma.









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ADHD isn’t a limitation it is an opportunity to see the world differently | Kyrus Keenan Westcott

ADHD isn’t a limitation it is an opportunity to see the world differently | Kyrus Keenan Westcott

Carin Chantel